Medical Care Information

The parent must provide the center with updated medical information regarding his or her child, such as information regarding the child’s medical problems, immunizations, allergies, regular medications, physical handicaps, or restrictions on the child’s physical activities. Information should also be provided as to whether the child has had measles, chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough, or any other contagious disease. This information should be provided to the center prior to the child’s first day of care.If a child becomes ill, the center will first try to reach the parent.

If the parent cannot be reached, the center may contact the child’s physician.

Medical Care Information

In case of a medical emergency, the center will obtain the necessary emergency medical care for the child, including but not limited to transportation to an emergency room. The parent will be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with any medical care provided to the child, including the cost of transportation.

a)Sick Child Policy

The goal of the center is to keep both the children and the caregivers healthy. Therefore, if a child exhibits any of the symptoms listed below, the child will not be allowed to attend the child care facility until the symptoms are no longer present or unless the parent has obtained a statement from the child’s doctor that the child is not contagious. The final decision as to whether a child will return to the child care facility will be made in the sole discretion of the center.

This policy applies to the following symptoms:

  1. Fever of 100 degrees F
  2. Persistent diarrhea
  3. Continuous coughing
  4. Irregular breathing
  5. Unusual rashes
  6. Vomiting
  7. Yellowish color to the eyes or skin
  8. Swallowing difficulty
  9. Lice
  10. Communicable diseases

If a child exhibits any of these symptoms while present at the child care facility, the parent will be notified and must immediately remove the child. The child may be isolated from the other children at the child care facility until the parent arrives.  

The center will notify the parent of any contagious diseases about which the center has knowledge that a child may have been exposed to while at the child care facility.

The parent is expected to inform the center of any illness or problem of a child that might affect other children at the child care facility.

The parent is responsible to arrange for alternate care if the child is sick or is otherwise unable to attend the child care facility


The center will not administer prescription or over-the-counter medication to a sick child. All medications must be in the original container with the child’s name on it.

b) Required Health Records

    • For children under 29 months, the physical must be updated every year.
    • For children 30 months and older, the physical must be updated every 2 years.
      1. Immunizations

      All children enrolled in the center are required by the State of Michigan to have a record of immunizations on file at the Center. The Center MUST have this information at the time each child enters the program.

      1. Physical Exam:

      Within thirty (30) days after a child’s first enrolled day at the Center, a record physical exam must be submitted to the Center. This is in accordance with State Michigan licensing requirements. It is essential that the record be complete so that the Center staff is alerted to any special health needs of your child.

    1. Child Information Form:

    All children must have a signed child information form on file, consistent with State of Michigan requirements. No child will be permitted to stay until this CHILD INFORMATION form is on file.