Enrollment required forms
The following forms are required for each child before attending class:
Financial policies and procedures are described in the Parent Hand Book as well as the Service Agreement. This is the agreement that is required for final enrollment.
c) Current immunizations
Documentation of current immunizations or a signed statement of parental objection to the immunization, or a medical exemption signed by a physician must be submitted before a child may attend class.
d) Child family information
When you click on the Register Now button, you will provide required information for licensing.
This Ages and Stages Questionnaire gives the teacher important information to help them know as much as possible about your child and the developmental milestone already achieved. The information is confidential and is reviewed only by classroom personnel. The answers are automatically scored which will suggest appropriate activities and learning that fit your child specific stage.
e) Parental permission form
The Center requires parental permission for some practices, such as applying sunscreen and non-prescription topical cream or lotion, releasing your child’s name and date of birth to research and training personnel, and including family information in our class directory. Parents may sign at their own discretion to give permission for such practices.

f) Health appraisal
The State of Michigan requires updated health related information on all children enrolled in child care programs. This form must be filled out and signed by your child’s source of medical care. The information must be in their file within 30 days after the child’s first day of school.
g) Transportation
Transportation will be provided but is subject to first available in returned schedules. Transportation includes all parks, fieldtrips, before and after school routes. Transportation fees are separate from the free family tuition. Special transportation services will include a fee charged to the parent account. All transportation requests must be submitted and approved by the center. Parents will be notified of all transportation schedules once approved.
Children age 3.8 to 4.8 get free transportation to and from home.
Free Transportation is also provided to school aged students who have Full-Time Scholarship.
h) Photograph, Video, Audio Release
Except in case of emergencies, parent’s approval will be requested to release the pictures, videos and audios that will be used to showcase child’s interest, abilities and development. The media will be sent to parents through the center’s app. The center may use the media for advertisement and marketing purposes.
i) Sunscreen and Repellants t
Parents will be responsible to supply sunscreen and bug repellent for the child to the center. The center will have no sunscreen or bug repellent on site.
Sunscreen and repellent will not be used from one child to another. Sunscreen must have at least 30 SPF to be considered ample protection.
There are various brands of bug repellents available for children. It is the responsibility of parents to read all labels before purchase and application from the staff at the center. The staff will follow all health and safety periodicals.
- 35737 Van Born Road Romulus, Michigan 48174
- +1 855 244 0003